While every effort is made to keep information on the school website provided over the Internetaccurate and up-to-date, BLUE BIRD SCHOOL does not certify the authenticity or accuracy of such information. No warranties, express or implied, are provided for the content, records and/or mapping data herein, or for their use or interpretation by the User.
The School System strives to provide the community with the most up to date and accurate information available. The School Seal or the content of the website (any portion thereof) may not be sold, resold, reproduced, duplicated, copied, or used for any commercial purpose. Entities may not present the School's website content as its own, otherwise misrepresent content, or misinform users about the ownership/origin of said content. The contents of this website are subject to change without notice. Viewers should contact the appropriate School department to verify accuracy before acting on any information within this website. Blue Bird School will not be responsible for any damage (personal or property) by viewing and or accessing the content within this website. |