SCHOOL MISSION STATEMENT-Every Student will practice discipline and healthy living, attain English language fluency, be respectful to others and strive to become a resourceful asset to society and engage in collaborative approach. ...

Parents /Visitors interested in meeting the Principal or Headmistress are advised to kindly book an appointment thru E-Appointment system available on the school website ...

Internal Students who were scheduled to appear for Class X Board Exams in March 2022 (Class X-Batch of 2022) will be getting their results very soon. Students of the mentioned batch who are interested to pursue further education at +2 level in BLUE BIRD are required to fill online applications giving stream choice and register for Class XI (2022-23).


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The old boys and girls continue to be frequent visitors to the school and their success in life as a good citizen brings honor to BLUE BIRD and boosts our morale to continue striving for excellence. Our Ex-students are holding various important positions in all walks of life. The School has always been proud of the success of our old students in their lives and their achievements.

We urge all the old students who have passed out in the earlier years to register in the alumni section

Result Declaration ...
22 Jul, 2022
26 Jan, 2019
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