SCHOOL MISSION STATEMENT-Every Student will practice discipline and healthy living, attain English language fluency, be respectful to others and strive to become a resourceful asset to society and engage in collaborative approach. ...

Parents /Visitors interested in meeting the Principal or Headmistress are advised to kindly book an appointment thru E-Appointment system available on the school website ...

Internal Students who were scheduled to appear for Class X Board Exams in March 2022 (Class X-Batch of 2022) will be getting their results very soon. Students of the mentioned batch who are interested to pursue further education at +2 level in BLUE BIRD are required to fill online applications giving stream choice and register for Class XI (2022-23).


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Cancellation / Refund Policy

The notice of withdrawal/cancellation of admission must be submitted in writing addressed to the Principal/School Office. The Principal/School Office shall acknowledge the receipt of the same. Telephone messages/emails are NOT acceptable.For request made in the first six months of the calendar year i.e May to October, the student has to pay tuition fees due to the School for the first six months of the calendar year. A student who withdraws after the six months of the academic calendar year has to pay full fees due to the school for the full calendar year (i.e) May to April. It may be noted that all annual, one-time payments are non-refundable. Tuition fee charged will be refunded based on pro-rata basis along with security/caution money paid at the time of registration.

Note :

Parents are requested to intimate the school about their decision to withdraw the child well in advance, in order to avoid payment of fine towards late intimation. The Transfer Certificate (TC) of student, likely to be withdrawn, will be issued only after clearance and full settlement of accounts/dues.

For further details, parents are advised to refer to the school prospectus.

Republic Day Celebra ...
04 Feb, 2025
Annual Award Ceremon ...
04 Feb, 2025
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Prescribed Curriculum 2022-23

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