SCHOOL MISSION STATEMENT-Every Student will practice discipline and healthy living, attain English language fluency, be respectful to others and strive to become a resourceful asset to society and engage in collaborative approach. ...

Parents /Visitors interested in meeting the Principal or Headmistress are advised to kindly book an appointment thru E-Appointment system available on the school website ...

Internal Students who were scheduled to appear for Class X Board Exams in March 2022 (Class X-Batch of 2022) will be getting their results very soon. Students of the mentioned batch who are interested to pursue further education at +2 level in BLUE BIRD are required to fill online applications giving stream choice and register for Class XI (2022-23).


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The school daily assembly serves as an important forum for building the moral fibre of the children. The speeches made by the Students, Principal and Staff provide the right perspective and build a value system in the mind of the child. Value Education with special emphasis on National Integration is incorporated into the various subjects and activities in the school curriculum. At Blue Bird, we help to  inculcate in the children, a value system, which enables them to become sensitive to their environment and surroundings as well as become more caring, responsible and law abiding citizens.


The School has introduced specialized Vocational Education classes for the students of the Secondary Wing.
Students can opt for a subject in vocational education depending on his/her interest area.
Subjects in this category include Design & Technology Engineering, Earth Science, Cosmology, Geology and Electronics.
Activity curriculum in the school includes Yoga, Taekwondo, Dance & Music, Fine Arts, etc.
Besides this, the students are encouraged to participate in debates, speech competitions, quiz, etc which are organized on a regular basis by the school at the Intra-School and Inter-School Level.


There are four recognized students clubs which have been promoted with an idea to bring in the students a healthy competitive spirit. Each student Club is headed by a Club Captain and a Club Activity Supervisor. The 4 clubs are namely

Blue House Club
Yellow House Club
Green House Club
Red House Club

Students are encouraged to participate in debates, speech competitions, quiz, elocution, etc which are organized on a regular basis by the school at the Intra-School, Inter-House and Inter-School Level.

Republic Day Celebra ...
04 Feb, 2025
Annual Award Ceremon ...
04 Feb, 2025
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